
Friday, January 30, 2009 @ 1/30/2009 08:52:00 AM

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Colour? Or B&W?

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It's been days since I've blogged. I know I'm late, but I still gotta wish everyone a HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR (: goodluck to everyone who's gonna gamble and stuff. I hope ladyluck is on your side, because she's definitely taking care of me.


Economy has been bad these days man, the red packets are seriously shrinking. I got a total of about $300 this year. Gave almost half of it to my mum, left half to save up. I really hope I can save it up for rainy days.


Anyhoos, I had hell lots of fun with my loved ones. Especially, when it comes to the mahjong, blackjack & in between. It's even better when you've got your bankers beside telling you to take everything. You lose, they pay that kinda thing.


Btw, school's starting on Monday, 2 february! Omfggg, I can't imagine myself taking a train to queenstown everyday. Sighs, I'd guess I don't have a choice. I must endure, persevere! I shall not let my parent's money and my youth go to waste (: wish me luck.

Home alone.
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Hokay, baby's comin' over to fetch me now. Im runnin' late. Ciao.
p.s -More pictures comin' up soon k. Bye.

So long.. Sssuckers; ♥ BOFT

It's an abso-fucking-lutely awesome day yo~
Saturday, January 24, 2009 @ 1/24/2009 09:12:00 PM

Bahahahahaha. Met up with baby this afternoon went out blablabla~ He had to go home early to finish cleaning up the house. So, I have no choice but to agree to go home.

While sending me home on his beautiful new 'girlfriend', we saw a nissan 'fairlady' 08 or 09 edition beside us. I was like, "hmmmm. Quite hawt ah this car. Too bad it's silver colour." I never liked silver.

Baby was like "Yeaaa. It's nicer than the older version."

Not bad not bad, until that bloody fucker showed off his engine power. And stop at the next traffic light.

I looked in and saw a old uncle with a whole head of grey hair. Sitting next to him was a girl who looks like my age~ Wtf, prolly an escort. AGAIN. cheap slut ,nbcb YOU THROW EVERY WOMEN'S FACE

He was showing off his ride, changing lanes and tailgating taxis.

I was mad, so was baby. He decided to race with him. Hahahahaha.

Kan cool la. He rode damnnnnn fast, my helmet was out of place. My top was fluttering at the back. Chase the whole TPE, then the old man decided to exit -.-

Awwww. Sucker! You lost.

Baby revved his engine back at him, and we rode off. Muahahaha, Victory tastes good~ I regretted not showing him the "PSL" sign. Baby, you know what I mean ah. Lmao.

Many times we raced on his previous bike. This is the first time we race using the current one.
Omfg, it's so much faster, nicer, cooler??? Lawl. Damn nice, when's the next time babykins?
I love the excitment it brings. Bikes and cars are totally 2 different things. I prefer sitting on bikes tho. It's definitely better of then cars if you really wanna be 'into the race'.

Yezzzzir. That's all for today. My younger sister a bugging me to watch twilight online with her, again. Cos she thinks that the actor is hawt -.- My baby is way hawtterrrrr man~ Muack, Im sorry about yesterday darling. It's partially my fault too. I still love you as much as I use to (:

My sweet lil' hottie, butt jet hunk. Hahahahaha. I love love love loveeeeee you to bits!
I hope we don't ever quarrel again okay. I know we always hurt one another with words that we don't mean. Sayang you k. I'll miss call you soon baby. Im going to smoke up first.

Joke of the day:
Yo mama so fat she fell in love and broke it!

Thats it. Done, and Im off.

Bye, Living beingzzz. Sugardreams.

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So long.. Sssuckers; ♥ BOFT

Long lost.
Thursday, January 22, 2009 @ 1/22/2009 06:33:00 PM

I know my thailand trip was like wayyyyy back, but I havent uploaded any pictures yet. So, here's day 1.

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My younger sister. Taken when we had lunch before boarding the plane.

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My dad, looks like he's enjoying the flight (:

It took us about 2hours to get there? I almost died on the plane. It's fuckinggggg boring and cramp. Tsk. But all this suffering is worthwhile, lawl.

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A metallic pink coloured cab. So nice right? Far better than the boring coloured taxis in singapore~ There's also red, blue, green, yellow, purple! But I like the pink one. We took a 7 seater cab to our hotel. It's called the "Grand Ayudhaya" something like that.

Heard that the hotel is named after a state in thailand.
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Nice painting at the lobby.
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Check into our roomzzzz.
My sister & I
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My brother & I
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The scenery ~
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Our room~ The whole place is kinda like a traditonal, vintage hotel. I love the decorations & the buddha statues.
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A pink christmas tree (:
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Shoppinggggg at MBK.
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Came across Mac's.
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Back at the hotel room. My dadddddd~
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Joke of the day:
Yo mama so old she knew Burger King while he was still a prince.

Okay, whatever. I know it's lame, hahahahaha. Alright, Im done for day 1. I'll continue tomorrow. Im going to meet SHARON ANG LIN HUI NOW. Gonna pass her the products, she bought from me. Ciao people~ XOXO.

p.s -I'm missing you now. Sighs, I know it's been hard on you these days. Sleep tight, sugar dreams to you baby. Smooches*

So long.. Sssuckers; ♥ BOFT

Sunday, January 18, 2009 @ 1/18/2009 08:03:00 PM

Hokay, went expo today with my folks.

Dad bought shit loads of CNY decorationzzzz. Mum said that he's gonna turn the house into a fucking cheena place. And she hates it. Lawl. Cant help but to laugh my ass off whenever I hear them bickering with one another.

Bahahahaha ..

I bought a pair of heels, from charles and keith for like 19 bucks. WTFFFFF, I saw the exact design in their branch in TM, last month. When I was shopping for heels, for Asiasoft.

Fell in love with the oh-so-gorgeous heels right away. They were selling it for about 50bucks i think. Too expensive for me. BUT I FOUND IT TODAY. OMFGGGGG, damn happy la. My new leathery heels. Jitao Loveeeeee~

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Love it love it.

Anyhoos, I've just set up a blogshop with my Vanessa Sweetheart. We're doing preorder for eyelashes.

Eyelashes are like my love?? It brightens up and magnifies ones eye, you know! I can't go out without it. I feel damn 'botak' without it. Lmaooo. Maybe I'm just too accustom to it already.
Fuck, I hate having to stand infront of the mirror for like 2 hours just to apply make up, but it's also contradicting because, that's the face I wanna end up seeing for the rest of the day. Zzzzz

I understand that there might not be truck loads of designs now. But there will be more coming up hokayyyy. Thats all the designs for now...Damn nice ones, the long and exaggerating ones. Hahahahaha. Support ahhhhh~ Or else.... Lawl, Im kidding la. Go check out the webpage k. Now you guys will never have to dread going to bugis or something just to buy lashes. Its just one click away yoooooo.

p.s - My cute lil' Baby, You've been wonderful in all that you can be. Thanks for being so lovely and sweet yesterday.

I love it when youre like this. Youre so nice to joke around when youre in a good mood (:

I hope you'll be like this every single day..

It feels great whenever youre with me.

There's so many points about you, that I adore baby.

You're my pillar of strength, my listening ear, my shoulder to cry on, my focus in life, my vitamins, my manly creature :DDDD

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Alright, Baby's gonna call me in 1 minutes time, I'd guess. Quickquick.

Joke of the day.....Yo mama so ugly she gets 364 extra days to dress up for Halloween.

Bahahahaha, So evil~ Anyhoozzz,

So long.. Sssuckers; ♥ BOFT

@ 1/18/2009 12:14:00 AM

13th January `09(Tuesday)
Went to mdis to enrol myself with mommykins. Then went to PS to check out SPOTLIGHT. Hahahahahas, that's my mum's favourite shop anyway. Lol, then went aussino to get bedsheets for new year. I saw a fucking knnbccb nice one, with quilt cover, damnnnn~ Too expensive, she doesn't wanna get it for me. Who cares, nobody's gonna care about bedsheets anyway.
Then went to Daiso, I told her everything is only 2 bucks, she doesn't believe me ~_~" She saw like," Eh, You tell me $2 wait I everything buy then bring to the counter not $2 you die." Bahahahaha. I like Daiso.. but I think the place is just toooooo messed-up, damn hard to find thingsssss. Bought hell lots of junkfood there. Saw some interesting bottle of soft drinks for sale.
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Lol, cooool~ I bought the green one.
Then went to People's park to search for cloth. She's gonna make curtains for the family.
Then took a cab home from CheenaTown.

I love you mother.
Thanks for forgiving the mistakes i made, time and time again.
Thanks for dedicating half your life into the family.
Thanks for accepting me, the way I am now. I know I broke your heart.
I ran away from home, I often go home drunk, I have tattoos, I smoke, I stay out late. I did everything you told me not to. Yet you still never gave up hope on me. You still love me as much.
Thanks for being my best friend, I know I can tell you everything. I can say anything infront of you. ANYTHINGGGG. vulgarities, pervert stufff ~
Even though we still quarrel sometimes but I'd want you to know, I don't mean it. I always feel bad, after that. I promise to be the best daughter I can be.I promise to support you when you're old.I promise to give you the best, bring you to places and countries you've never been before..

No mood for joke of the day. Im tireddddd, baby is asleep already. Im turning in too.
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Im selling this leopard print hoodle btw.Brand new. Ask me and I shall tell you.


So long.. Sssuckers; ♥ BOFT

Thursday, January 15, 2009 @ 1/15/2009 10:53:00 PM

Nothing's gonna change my love for you.

Nothing's gonna replace you.

Nothing's gonna stop me from loving you.

Nothing's gonna tear us apart.

Nothing's gonna catches my attention, like you do.

Nothing's gonna bring me warmth, like you do.

Nothing's gonna give me happiness, like you do.

Nothing's gonna be my first priority except you.

Nothing's makes me cry as hard as you do.

Nothing's gonna bring me excitment, like you do.

Nothing's as unpredictable as you.

Nothing's as full of surprises as you.

Nothing smells as good as you.


Baby, know that I've never love so hard before.
Know that I will always be there. I'll never stop what I've set my mind to do. That is to love you, cherish you, be with you.

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So long.. Sssuckers; ♥ BOFT

Keep Believin'
Wednesday, January 14, 2009 @ 1/14/2009 10:39:00 PM

I got to see baby for about 3 hours today. During his break-time on wednesdays, he'll ride to my house and meet me for lunch then return to school -_-" Should i even thank temasek poly for giving him a fucking 3 hour break in the middle of his lessons? Why can't they just take away that and let him end school early. See ah, 8am-11am(study), 11am-2pm(break), 2pm-5pm(study), 5pm-6pm(break), 6pm-7pm(STUDY). WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!
Confusing uh, I took many weeks to memorise it. But I still have to thank them for giving him such a nice 3 hours break in the middle of his lessons. Otherwise, I wouldn't get to see him for the entire week.

Sighs, he's been sooooo busy with school exams, quizzes, project, etc. That he barely have time to meet me, or even to sleep. It pains me to see him struggling to make time for everything. I can feel how much stress he's in. From school, family, me, friends, army? I can't help in anyway yet I realise I was giving him a hard time these few days.

I just can't take it already, I wanna spend more time with him, I want more of his love and compassion, I wanna hug him longer, I wanna chat on the phone with him till dawn, I wanna kiss him more, there's just too much things I miss about him. It's so much different from the past, now that he has to really mugggg hard for the year end exams to graduate. There's so much that we haven't been catching up, so much that we wanna tell each other, so many places we'd love to go together. I just wish, whatever we're sacrificing for now, will eventually pay off soon!

Im glad he did really really well for all of his exams scoring distinctions for every subject :DD
Im so proud of you baby! I know you can do it, you have got to believe that you can okay. You're over stressing yourself! I love you alot and I know you feel the same way too my luv.

Anyhoos, met up with my dear, Vanessa today btw. She's lots of fun(: We shall meet up again soon okay!Thanks for the face shop masks and the eyeshadow stick btw! I love them very much^^ Too bad, I forgot to take pictures with you. Nvm, next time you must remind me k.

Pictures taken last week.
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I hate to go out without my purple lenses ='( I swore to throw my current pair away. Don't ask me why.

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When I was waiting for him to fetch me.

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With my babykins* i love him so much.

Okay, D-O-N-E! Im off to fagg then to bed to chat with my luv now!
Good-bye folks. Sweetdreams everybodyyyy~
Joke of the day :
Yo mama so ugly when she joined an ugly contest, they said "Sorry, no professionals."

So long.. Sssuckers; ♥ BOFT

Yada. Yada. Yada.
Monday, January 12, 2009 @ 1/12/2009 05:11:00 PM

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Im getting damn temperamental these days, what's wrong with me man! Isit because Im pms-ing or what? Hmmm, MAYBE. Fuck, I hate this feeling. Baby, Im sorry if I bullied you okay. Smooches, I still love you like I always do!

Anyhoos, went jogging with mummykins today. The wind was so fucking strong that I couldn't even sweat abit. Zzzzz, pasir ris park is damn cold. Best timing for tent-pitching, hahahahahaha.
Btw, Im gonna enrol myself into mdis tomorrow. Fuck man, I guess it's back to studying again.

Im getting an acid washed stretch jeans for $38+ registered mail($2.50) bucks. Interested people, email me at or tag me over at my cbox for more enqiries(: limited pieces only.

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Hokay, I've got nothing else to say. I know my post is kan boring, cant help it. Im bored myself.
Goodnight my beautiful world (:

Joke of the day :
Yo mama's so fat she lay on the beach and people run around yelling Free Willy

HAHAHAHAHAHA, funnyyyyyy.
p.s; I LOATHE PUSSINTHA. I hope she sees this and die.

So long.. Sssuckers; ♥ BOFT

whathell - waht der hiao
Saturday, January 10, 2009 @ 1/10/2009 12:22:00 PM

It's saturdayyyyyy, yet Im stuck at home till 6pm. All thanks to temasek poly's open house~ Baby has to return to school for his EPS, engineering project show or whatever you call it. Till 6pm, and that's late enough. He needs to study for tests and claims that he cant concentrate when Im around, LOL! Is that good or what? Hahahahaha, just wish that he can quickly graduate from school and spend more time with me. After his army we'll get married :)YAYEEEEEEE ~

Okay, yesterday we met up at 7pm -___-" Not much time left to celebrate. Went to take neoprints, heh! He promised to take it with me every month, but failed to do so for months already. He says it's a waste of money. HAHAHAHAHA! I don't care, I wanna take every month.
Went tampines mall, bought movie tickets, ate dinner at te foodcourt cos he miss his "beef noodle stall" and I wanna eat pepper lunch.

Taken while editing the pictures.
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Baby looking at the pictures. Lol
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Taken when he's cutting the neoprints into half. I cant cut, I'll destroy the pictures instead.
Hahahahahahaha :DD
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We watched RED CLIFF. ITS A FUCKING AWESOME SHOW YO. The fighting was soooo goddamn cool. The strategies, the teamwork, the excitment, the sense of humour is just so nicely blended into this movieeee. For those who didn't watch the red cliff I, I think you should catch it on before you proceed to watch the 2nd. Cos it's a continuous edition, you won't catch any ballzzzz if you hadn't watched the first.

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A show you'll never regret watching (:
Hokayyyy, here are some pictures of me, taken by my younger sister^^
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Ok, this is damn retarded

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Waiting for asyf to come fetch me. Lol

He's gonna be here soon. Gotta goooo~ Ciao. Have a awesome day ahead readerzzzz.
Oh ya ,before I forget.

Joke Of The Day :
Yo mama's so ugly just after she was born, her mother said "What a treasure!" and her father said "Yes, let's go bury it."

Okay, I reallyyyyyyyy reallyyyyyy realllyyyyyy have to go now. Bye people!

So long.. Sssuckers; ♥ BOFT

& onlyyy.

Create a playlist at

& still counting.




Daisypath Anniversary tickers


Brenda Ong
Brenda Ong
Create Your Badge
I dont have an AMAZINGGGG life to blog about , but all i know is I'd like to share some of the things I've learnt along the way .

& i want.!

get my driving license
drive my own car
Bangkok, Genting, Taiwan,
Japan & Rome trip ASAP
gucci lanyard
gucci rush 2 perfume
burberry handbag
couch & LV coin pouch
get my bachelor degree
travel around the world
see all the seven wonders before i die

& Be niceeeeee!

Perishhh RETARDS.♥