Hey people!!! its been a bloody long time since i've posted up anythang~
Loads of stuff has changed & i'm still adapting to the changes :D
And i dont even where to start anymore!!!
Start from now okayyyy?? HAHAHA.
I shall bring my lappy when im abroad.
Nothing to do, can blog!!!!
I don't camwhore as much as i do in the past.
Cos im still a NON IPHONE USER!!
OMFG, i know right?
All the camera apps so fucking chio man!
I'm so jealous when my boyfriend and close friends are playing
games etc with their phone! then i'll be like..
"Alright! I shall play my fishing game on my LG crystal( damn old school)
BUT!!!! I waiting for end of august then i can change it for good ~.~
Im also thinking of getting a camera soon!
But still in a dilemma as to what i should get :(
I dont want an ordinary digital camera with shitty resolution.
then i dowan something too bulky as well?
then cannot be too expensive?
then i must look chio in the pictures??
DAMMNNNN! At this rate, im nvr gonna get one lah.
should i get....

Samsung ST700- Affordable, can camwhore, light & portable!

Canon S95- more pricey, better quality, i like how i look in the pictures~ still portable too :D

I was in melbourne, btw.


Canon G12- Best among the 3, most expensive, semi DSLR!!!! i like!
Bt its quite bulky ley.
HAIS! cant make up my mind! NVM. still got time lah.
time for some pictures taken abroad :D


i dont mind going to dubai again just for this!!!!
ROMEEEEEE, hearthearts.

the colosseum.

some ruins???

somewhere near the spanish steps..

I forgot where this is??

the trevi fountain :D

erm, some empty building i think?


The vatican!