hello everyone! sorry that i haven't been updating for such a longggg time.
i might have made it seem like this space has already been abandoned but it hasn't :))))
changed my hair colour from black to brown. mum likes it, lollll.
it's just that I've been busy juggling with work, driving lessons &
Guess what?! I've just created a blogshop with my darling, Joce :DD
here it is,

took us quite some time to get things sorted out.
Anyhoos, i've always wanted to do this. And now that it's finally
done. I will do my best & also bring in the nicest clothes i
can get my hands on :)))))
I have to admit that, Imma a hardcore shoppaholic.
So i know how it feels, definitely. that's what we call "Retail Therapy"!
You can join the mailing list to receive updates,
have us on facebook? I'll try to update every collection here.
But, i can't promise anything kay.
so the safest way is to join the mailing or check the webbie,
very very very frequently :DD just in case, you see something that
you desperately have to get & end up realising that it's sold out.
Here are some of the many many favourites i have for this collection :)
We are selling them at really really low prices.
some blogshop sell the same designs, but they are selling at higher prices than us.
So, why hesitate when you can find everything good here?
good material, cutting, price. and most importantly,
they are all what the trend is now!
ultra sweet, and unique. love the combination, navy blue embellished with gold buttons.
helloooo! rompers are the sex now.dont you think it makes our lives easier.
without having to wake up every morning,
thinking of matching your clothes? and trying not to repeat what you wore last week?
They are not placed in any order, due to my noobness.
or my sister's lappie. i cant copy & paste anything here and there.
so it took my a effin' long time to figure all this out.
Don't know if anyone would appreciate this top. But, i just love the way it is.simple but style :) goes perfectly with a HW jeans. no assessories needed at all!
maybe it's the picture, it doesn't look as nice as it is.
okay, the problem lies in me. lol, we are trying to perfectall these.
So, give us time kay.
Got extras for this baby, it is definitely a must-have.
a little bit sheer. perfect for work, so classy & cute.
totally in love with the ruffled sleeves~
Another romper, that looks so greek-ishhh.green chiffon, ain't that special?
& it's Joce's favourite too :)))))
This is another that just looks so "ang-moh" to me.HAHAHA! idk why, but it just looks so casual yet so nice.
the satin and the lace is so naiseeee. the colour, everything looks
so Forever21. lollll, seriously.
Alrighttttt, i'm pretty much done already. Do support!
HAH, till next time muffins. will try to update moreeee :))
xoxo, brenda.
So long.. Sssuckers; ♥ BOFT