im kinda lazy to type..
let's just let the pictures do the talking keh ^ ^
CHU YI + Valentine's day = not enough time to lovey dovey.

We drove down to 313 somerset with my dad's car after our "
bai nian" Had a really late dinner at
Marche~kinda surprised that they actually operated till 11 plus PM. WOAHHHH

check out the adorable lil sheepzzz. there's one pic i took that looks really obscene la.
so im not gonna put it up on the webbie. HAHAHA

its upside down i know, i cant rotate it . its baby with the snow sledge. cool right.

he was kinda cursing & swearing about the food :DDD
no next time okay pumpkin.

my verdict, the food ain't that fantastic as i heard it was.
only the rostti rocks. the others are just sooooo ordinary~
prezzies from my luvvv ^^



i thought there was nothing inside..

then, i found this.. hidden at the bottom of the box :DD
awwww. sweetness uh. i was so surprised!
howcome he got to sneak out to get presents for me?
lolllll, speechless. i love the bracelet hell loads. so sweet la~


then went his place to celebrate his mummy birthday :D

okay, everything isn't in order.
i'm just trying to upload everything at one go.
cos i don't know when is gonna be the next time i update my blog -.-
i've got like tonnnnsssss of overdue photos in my phone. sighs.
BARK'S CAFE- somewhere in changi i think.

buffalo wings!

looks wrong, HAHAHA. lame lah

MOVIE @ iluma
Camwhoring with me :)

alright, thats enough! update soon. nightyyyyy world :)
So long.. Sssuckers; ♥ BOFT