Friday, January 22, 2010 @ 1/22/2010 12:10:00 AM
Im blogging cos i can't fall asleep
and my SOMEONE talked to me for 5mins and was off to bed
when i rushed home just to call him as my cellphone died on me while
i was heading home. si-two-pi-yard boiix.
NEHMIND! he's gonna get it from me anyway. bahahaha.
he might be booking out late man, FUCK IT.
Anyways, i've got tons of picturesss of me and ansonn to upload :)
yay, let's startoooo~

playing hp again la~ lol

see my face, buay song already. haha

hurmph, he's a lucky boy ah,
still know how to bring me go summer breeze :))

handsome boy ordering food ah, got see before not?
there! MINE.

dessert, hearts hearts!

some pictures to add on to the previous few posts.
camwhoring with him, and he will only cheerfully oblige :)

Jalan Sultan, fishhead steamboat.
small one, $35-38. eat until wanna puke. LOL

eh, see other girl right? hahaha, kidding.

yesssss, bibi. eat fatfat hor.

so adorable la :) cheena face!

was having bad-face day. lol, so there's only 1 picture.
taken after our dinner at changi village.
going to catch a movie at ehub. omygawd,
i think its, treasure hunter. NAISE!

attempt 1: fail, cos i was laughing too hard.

attempt 2: almost there la. lol.

hello :DD


caught him smiling to the card i made for him

on the train, seeing his face becoming more and more pale each day
just breaks my heart :'(

okay.... no more liiaox. LOL! more coming up real soon :)
im tiredddd! time to hit the sacks. goodnighty.
So long.. Sssuckers; ♥ BOFT
mudder asshole
Tuesday, January 19, 2010 @ 1/19/2010 01:23:00 PM

frustrateddddd, that is.
I've been bummin around too much, which in turn explains why my moolahs
are deteriorating at a really high speed. LOL
I think i need a better or should i say, i much more secure job.
whereby i can plan my weekends properly.
Anddd a stable income to plan on what to spend on :D
damn, i need a new haircut. my fringe is irritating the shit outta me.
sorry that im being random and stuff.
these are all the things that makes me feel suicidal -.-
especially when i think of my poor boyfriend in camp.
just endured through hellweek, suppose to get a 1 week off to recover.
BUT DIDNT eventually. WTF is wrong with the system?
HE is a human being, besides getting wounded all the time, and at the end of the month getting
a shit pay, dont my bofriend deserve some time to rest to continue being a nation slave?
sighs, enough said.Anyhoos, on a happier note,
ASYFPIEE ❤ bought me a 100ml DKNY fresh blossom perfume as my christmas prezzie.
thats what i've been fantasizing for like half a year. (~*.*~)
what can i say, he's definitely the sweetest :)) hehheh.

jitao loveeeeee.

havent been camwhoring recently. glad i finally did~ lol

that is, im done!!!! stay tuned.
So long.. Sssuckers; ♥ BOFT
Friday, January 15, 2010 @ 1/15/2010 04:18:00 AM

Missing my beloved babylove
♥ more than anything else in the world now.
Haven't got to talk to him for 5 freaking torturous days.
As he is currently going through "hell week" in NDU, and i am going through it
with him MENTALLY as well. shiat. I hope he's doing well man.
It's making my heart ache day by day.
I don't even wanna imagine the shit that they are forcing my baby to do.
Doubt many of you know that type of feeling thou.
Anyhoos, i know i haven't blogging for like 1326741728 donkey years.
and i find that, i've already lost track of what to blog about,
and what to start with. HORRIBLE. maybe cos i've been busy earning moolahs.
this is like the first entry of 2010! THERE WILL BE MORE INTERESTING
STUFF COMING UP. promise keh, so stay tuned baybehsssss :DD
some things to share...
I made/drew him a huge mudder ass bday card! and
bought him a prezzie for his 22nd birthday :DD

the artistic side of brenda has finally been unfold... muahahahha.
awesome isnt it?

porter international. fell in love with this,
almost as fast as i did.. to him. kekes

ice-cream, after having lunch at five-star chicken in katong!
before going to play L4D 2 tgt :D

Dinner at manpuku, tampines 1. NICEEEEEE~!

alot more photos waiting to be upload.
shall do so, pretty soon :)
alrightttttt, done with this. off to bed people.ciao. waiting to hear his voice, sighs.
So long.. Sssuckers; ♥ BOFT