Part 2
Sunday, November 22, 2009 @ 11/22/2009 05:50:00 PM
Get prepared to see loads of pictureeeeees!last wednesday.
crubbing with my girlzzz.
location; St james.

Working with Saraaaa, i miss this crazy girl!
It was a suayyy day man, wanna go clubbing still have to work.
Work nvm, still gotta pack hell loads of stocks!!! shite.

Smoking, waiting for audrey to stick her plasters~

Getting spastic on the train.

sara, audrey, me, isabella & sharon :D

isabella, me & sharon.

she kissing me forcefully :(

Her favourite picture of me, lol!

sharon, sara, me, audrey & bella.

vodka cranberry, vodka orange(not nice) HAHAHA!

someone make me cry, hahahaha. no lah, i was acting.
okay, thats all, for now.
more to be updated, soon :D bye.
So long.. Sssuckers; ♥ BOFT
Part 1
@ 11/22/2009 02:51:00 PM

I realised somethinggggg. I blog every sunday.
HAHAHAHA. you guys should prolly know why.
and pardon me, if i start ranting on how much im gonna
be missing him for the next week, COS HE'S BOOKING IN AGAIN :'(
Really really enjoyed every single day whenever he's around.
I feel like i have the nicest, sweetest, loveliest boyfriend man.
Do you know how it feels like to love someone so much,
that you can't bare to even walk up to the lift knowing that he's gonna have to
endure a lonely ride home, everytime he sends you home?
How it feels like to see him in pain and you can't do anything to make him feel better?
how it feels like to both fall asleep unknowingly while talking on the phone at night,
and waking up in the morning, & still get to talk to him over the phone?
These are the tiny moments in a couple's life which might sometimes seem so 'mundane'
that we might sometimes neglect and take for granted..
Im so glad we didnt, because i still wake up in the morning thinking about the
sweet lil things he does for me :))
LUVVV came over bugis to fetch me from work, went to get some alchohol
drink drank but didnt get drunk. HA-HAHA! then we went to FEIFEI for
WANTON MEE. then went home..
Went C.P with baby, met sharon ang lin hui there as well.
had the famous ban mian there tgt.
Rode down to bugis, changed the jacket that i bought for him.
Caught 2012, omygawd. Im still thinking about the comuter effects now.
damn own sai! freaking 3 hours show man! hahahaha, worth my money :D
shopped around bugis street and parco. took neoprintssss!!! HEHEHE
too bad i dont know how to use the scanner i have at home. Zzzzz

My baby has been having nasty sore eyes for afew days!!
both eyes were swollen initially.

Met baby up, went to Palelai to pray for awhile.
Then went to the flea market over at homeclub with my beloved boy & his friends.
If the flea was biggerrrrr it would seriously be interesting,
unfortunately it wasnt. there were only like 10-15 stalls?
finished walking around within half an hour -.-
butttt, i still manage to find things that i fancy :D
all the stalls there are mostly selling clothes that you can actually purchase online.
and they dont really give discounts :(

It was raining so we rode to marina square, had jiaxiang mian for lunch.
walked around MS a little. I wanted famous amous, baby dowan buy for me.
I dowan to talk to him, HAHA! he kept disturbing me until i cant help but laugh.
He always does that la, but i admit i was kinda petty. Get angry over famous amous -.-
He kept laughing at the sound effect i made when he tried to tickle me!!!!! Lmao
After that, we went Katong with his friends, for another session of LEFT4DEAD.
except now, IT'S VERSION 2! a whole lot more exciting and freaky!
FUNFUNFUN! there's so many new things! and really alot more difficult to play.
kept dying -.-
Went 85 for supper, had chicken wings & ba chor meeeee.
Baby ta pao-ed fried eggs with oysters for his sister.
We sat down at the playground, listened to nice music..
Chat till 3am without realizing, LOL
all thanks to my one and only, ANSONN SZE YU FENG.
smooches~! too bad i have a sucky phone, that has no flash light.
I can't take pictures in the night..
Or else, i would definitely have hell loads of pictures to upload man!
Labels: whenever you're around..
So long.. Sssuckers; ♥ BOFT
We'll stay strong..
Sunday, November 15, 2009 @ 11/15/2009 11:45:00 PM

its been a really busy and hectic week for me.
and sad actually, babyboy booked out only on saturday night.
couldnt meet him, as he was on MC. met him at 2pm today :'(
but it's okayyy~ cos he's gonna finish his bmt this week,
which means he'd prolly get to book out early!!!! hooooya.
he's been down with fever for the pass few days, my mum say he's
suffering from love sick ah, "AS IF"! hahahaha
sometimes i just feel like im a sucky girlfriend la.
i can't do anything to make him feel better.
And i sometimes throw bitch fits at him.
while he always calmly console me, with his soothing tone of voice.
slowly i learnt to give in, no matter who's at fault already.
I figured that dont wanna waste any time that i get to spend with him,
since we already have such limited time tgt :'( ,
quarrelling and yelling our heads off at one another.
when all we can do is just think straight,
throw our fucking ego outta the box, and sayang each other :DDDD
so from now on, im gonna be a good girlfriend.
an understanding and gentle girlfriend :))
hehehehe, cos i know if i talk to him nicely, he will nvr lose his temper.
its always mee, i start raising my voice and thats it.
he goes mad, which i in turn go loco.
over-over due picturezzz man!
me & my lil' handsome botak head boy.

getting lunch during work :)

alright. im waiting for his call nowwwwww :)
So long.. Sssuckers; ♥ BOFT
back to square
Sunday, November 8, 2009 @ 11/08/2009 03:33:00 PM
It's sunday, again. he's gonna be in NDU again :'((
so sadddd la. wont be able to see him till next week man. sighs.
so glad he got to book out on thursday, which allowed me to see him
for the whole of friday and saturday ^^
FRIDAY:Ate maggi goreng at some coffeeshop in changi~
its usually damn nice. but i dont know what went wrong la
think they changed the cook or some shit like that.
fucking salty, i only ate like 1/4 of it -.-
headed to town to check out the LV wallet baby wanted.
then to porter, to see the bags they have.
Wanted to catch a movie with luvvv, but there wasnt any nice shows.
then his friends called, jio-ed us for some 14d session. ons laaaa~
Went to grandlink. played for awhile, then realised that there wasnt much computers
to accomadate 10 people. so we
sua to gaming giants. LOL!
didnt know we played for about 3-4 hours man~ CRAZY SHITE.

SATURDAY:Met up with my cheeky babylove.
Headed to the cathay, where we had our wonderful meal
at billy bomberzzzz :D HOOYA! HAhahahaha.
baby had fish & chips, I had my all time favourite, SPAGHETTI~
when the food arrived at our table, baby was like; "Do you think
this is enough for me?" I guess soooo~
AND yesss, i was right! both of us were so damn full until
we felt like throwing up! Wanted to catch "My girlfriend is an agent"
but there was no more seats for the time slot we wanted :'(
scrolled around Plaza sing, damn the place is so fucking boring man.
Went into a toy shop?? There was a statue of CHUCKY outside the shop.
I was trying to look at its face detail.
Baby was like, "Eh, dont stare at it straight in the eye ley!"
LMAOS, he's behaving like an old man already~
But i still love him, hiakhiak.

see me through the soda~!

FROGMAN from the sea; with a fork & an explosive.

Attack of the nachiozz.

His fish&chips.

My spaghetti :DD

JIAOBIN, i like ^^
So long.. Sssuckers; ♥ BOFT
Sunday, November 1, 2009 @ 11/01/2009 09:35:00 PM
Happy belated Halloween BITCHES~!HA-HA! didn't club or whatsoever like the others did.
Never wanted to celebrate Halloween for the past 18 years of my life.
So i figured that it's not a big deal whether i celebrate it or not, lmao.
But I had an enjoyable day with babylove♥♥♥
Wanted to go
"crubbing" tgt, but we realised that we were financially troubled -.-
Met up at around 9pm due to some issues...
rode down to bugis to collect me pay, bought another top for myself,
ate mos burger with clam chowder soup & butterfly prawnzzz.

AND WATCHED SAW 6!!!!!!!! it's damn GORE.
from the very start of the goddamn show, i already felt like puking.
anyhoos, you people should watch it, cos the storyline is pretty awesome :DD
wanted to head down to geylang for durian session,
but both of us were still damn full.
guess we would have to eat it next week :'(
HE BOOK IN ALREADY LAAAA~! i've got work tmr man!
okayyyy, enough of me.
2 advertorials ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
for my dear AUDREY & ISABELLA.
Both good friends of mine.
*Something that makes them different from other blogshops;
They are selling beautiful tops, dresses & etc, that are in trend now.
in prices that are cheaper than the usual blogshops .
Please support them in their little business hokay!

join the mailing list, for an extra 5 percent discount upon purchase ^^, im done. sarppork them pulease ~
So long.. Sssuckers; ♥ BOFT