Sunday, October 11, 2009 @ 10/11/2009 09:21:00 PM

Went sembawang to fetch my loverboy from camp on friday.
not exactly from camp la. waited for him
at sembawang mrt :P Hahahahaha

Met up with Natasha at woodlands before baby booked out.
Had a pretty good time chit-chatting with her.
She probably has a crazy personality just like me.
or else she wouldnt be my good friend for 5 years :D
Fetched him and we parted as he had
to celebrate his parent's wedding anniversary, how sweet right?
I hope we would still be celebrating ours decades from now baby.
Promise me we will okay? I dont want you to come asking me when we got tgt hor!
Saturday after baby went for his DRC, annnnd his soccer game.
We met up :DDD wanted to head to marina square for movies.
But didn't, ended up at century square. Cos we wanted to play l4d with his friends.
Which we didn't in the end as well. Cos we caught "Inglorious basturds"
It lasted for 2 and a half hours! omygawd~ Quite a nice show i would say.
But he didn't seem to appreciate it la, cos he fell asleep half way through. LMAO!
Ate at some restaurant before the movie, i forgot the name.
the food there wasn't really nice thou. We ate the hongkong style spaghetti btw.

Here's my sweetheart, looking at hotties while waiting for our food to arrive~
(im kidding! i know he'll never do that~ got me enough liiaoxzc)

MY LIL CHEEKY BOY. stupid hedgehog! lol.
so handsome. im melting...~ not. Hahahaha

That's my drink, fyi. for posing only.

anddddd, his soya with grass jelly is finally here.

I must say, i think baby seriously has no talents in
photography man. i look like a cuckoo everytime he takes pictures of me.

Baby! im missing you really badly now.
I wish i can listen to your voice now :'(
HAH! nehmind, hope you'll call me when you get up!
So long.. Sssuckers; ♥ BOFT
Saturday, October 10, 2009 @ 10/10/2009 03:18:00 PM
we are drifting apart.& you are doing nothing at all
to solve any problem that comes between us.
I did everything i could do. You are still that insensitive.
You still refuse to change.
I just dont know what else to do anymore. You are becoming worse.
As much as i love you,
you are making me sad almost everyday..
every night, every morning..
So long.. Sssuckers; ♥ BOFT
a picture paints a thousand word
Wednesday, October 7, 2009 @ 10/07/2009 01:01:00 AM
Went to get my freakin' IC (identification card) replaced.How long has it been man, damn. More than half a year!Can you imagine me having to show my police report likeEVERY SINGLE TIME I CLUB? wttffff.Think my new picture don't look as CMI as the previous "collections".previously my picture looked like a ATB, ah tiong bu.
Hahahaha. Whatever luh, now my freaking blog has a goddamn mother
asshole problem. Im typing everything in italic now. GYGYGY!

nothing better to do.

acting busy only~

MINE. lmaos
urghs. Fiakkk. and its back to normal AGAIN. omfg.
okay, i worked today. And a nice angmoh guy comes by my shop.
And says that im beautifullll :DDD ya, darn happy la.
He claims that he's gonna remember my face,
even when he returns to england. ROFL. he wanted to take my photo -.-
My colleague ask me to say, "Ok, 50 bucks!" Zzzzz. go to hell!
Pictures taken on minghan( jiiemuiix's bday):
Ah, the group photo cant really see my face la fuck.
but, anyhoos~ ENJOY!

My beloved sara. its a pity you couldn't in man~
ST jamessss. happy 19th bday. hope you become a director in brother from another mother~AAlrighttttt, its 3am again. baby's gonna be calling in 1& 1/2 hours time.cant wait to talk to me. and i get to hear his half awake voice, so cute!what would i ever be like living my life without youuu.

When you HADDDD long hair~ haha!

the first time we went out tgt, as a couple ^^

Your bday! 2 yrs ago. i was 16, you were 19.

OUR firstttttt year together! ((:

the day we studied tgt, the day we found 'lucintha'!!!

national day! o9.o8.o9

the day when you shaved your hair, and became a 'nation slave'
i can't believe you enlisted exactly on our 2nd yr.
thats damn fucking sad la. ROFL
seems like we've really been growing older together baby.
❤ all i wanna say is, you mean the whole world to me.❤
goodnight world. ((:
So long.. Sssuckers; ♥ BOFT
always by my side.
Sunday, October 4, 2009 @ 10/04/2009 09:38:00 PM

okay, it's kind of a miracle that i've been home the whole day.
can't remember what time i got up &
what time i slept. Hahahaha. Guess me & babyluv were just so
shagged out that we just fell asleep not knowing how and when.
Lmaos. Well, celebrated mid-autumn festival with hun & his friendsss~
Went cineleisure to meet them up.
Isit me or did everyone smell shit everywhere yesterday?
I heard that there's something wrong with the sewer.
IT DIS-fucking-GUSTING. yuck

Chilled at Gloria Jeans,
they had this promotion. that is 2 large drinks
& get a piece of cake for free.. so i did! cookies& cream, chocolate mint :D
oreo cheesecake! damn nice i tell you.
we couldn't finish the drinks not even the cake in the end. Hahaha
All of a sudden i feel freaking auntie-ish la. Lawlllll. ok, whatever.
went marina barrage with luv❤ & his friends.
they brought paper lanterns, candles, sparklers, kites?
Hahahaha. some of them were running crazily on the grass getting high
over flying a kite. some were fascinated by the "chingay lanterns/kites"
some strangers brought to play. hahahaha.
there were police patrolling around~ fuck! cant even smoke in peace.


enthusiastic people

loving couple..

at this point of time, i was gettin alll excited already!!!
most importantly, i think i was there for baby's sparkler rocket.
unfortunately, after 3 attempts it failed due to the wrong type of tape they bought.
LOL, neh-mindddd. there's always next yr&.& the years to come :))
memories to the rocket 2 years ago, seems like it just happened only yesterday.
Of all places, we chose to launch it in his estate.
There was a fucking loud bang, everyone ran their guts out.
even car alarms were activated, it flew up to the 3rd floor?
neighbours were yelling at us.. HAHAHAHA, that was hell lotta FUNNN~
Eventually, we realised that MB wasn't the correct place for the launch.
so we
suaaaaa to Labrador Park.
that's when i got bitten by either sandflies or mosquitoes.
Went home at around 5.30am?
after i brought spaghetti down for darlinggg to makan :DDD
Kinda sad that baby didnt bring his Digicam along.
We could've took really nice pictures tgt..

This was what that kept me occupied while he makes the "rocket"~

Think this was the nicest picture taken already, just the 2 of us. HAHA!
iloveyou, imissyou, ineedyou baybehhh. I hope to see you really soon
you know? Im like going thru NS with you as well :'(
Alrightyyy, here's the picture of the acid washed jeans deariezzzz.

just pm me if you guys are interested keh. Was selling it for 40bucks.
now, selling at $28(price negotiable) worn only once! perfect condition.
kkeh, sleep early peepz. nanight (:

So long.. Sssuckers; ♥ BOFT
oh well
Saturday, October 3, 2009 @ 10/03/2009 02:25:00 AM
Went town with SALH my beloved sister on wednesday!wanted to get a pair of heels with her.but fuck, IT'S FREAKING 5 INCHES HIGH.thou it looks damn chio, but nope. if i get them,it's just gonna be added to my collection of "KILLER HEELS".Shopped around, she wanted to get a leather i brought her to the 'house of jackets'~ whatever la.bought 2 bodycon skirts & another stone washed jacket for myself.HAHAHA, i was so excited to wear my new jacket that i wore it on thegoddamn mrt, and it stinks like a matha ass.
SEEEEE! tying her damn heels sitting on the floor on the fitting room.freaking unglam luh. CAN SMILE SOMEMORE! hahahhaaafter town-ing, went bk to her house area. Slack, talk cock & camwhore then went home :D

This is what you do, when you get freaking bored..

oh, and this is so chio la..
And i freaking wanna save up to get this!LV hampstead MM damier canvas..... FUCK!
enough said.. i'm done waiting for him.He isn't gonna wake up then fine. I GO SLEEP NOW!I HATE YOU, asshole!!!!!!!!! stupid boyyyyyyy.
You don't love me anymore la.
So long.. Sssuckers; ♥ BOFT