Sunday, September 27, 2009 @ 9/27/2009 09:04:00 PM
It's sunday yet again. time for him to book in AGAIN :'(
fuckshite luh. wanted to make a trip to the Singapore Zoo on saturday.
But failed to do sooooo. Cos baby woke up in the afternoon.
Sighs, i was damn sad laaaaa. BUT, we still went for a 2hour singing session
TEO HENG, with my beloved joce and papa (:

My macho man~!!

Promoting snapple outta boredom xD
Went aston's for dinner. ordered 2 portions of prime ribeye extra cut.
he finished it all, wanna puke. I finish almost half, wanna puke. HAHAHAHA!
Bought muffins for me when we went pass a bakery store,
raisins, blueberry chocolate & dbl choc!!!!! :DDDDD
It's so nice to see him when he books out, i'm always counting down to fridayyyy~
i love you, my lil' botak head! *muacks*Some random pictures taken with saraaaaaa! Lmaos

This lunatic
'creature' always
makes me laugh like a matha-assshole.

This is what you do, when you get bored at work~

SEEEEE baby, I got a replacement~ hurmph. Hahahaha!
you know im kidding la

rightttttt, time for bed. will be updating real soon BAYBEHZ
So long.. Sssuckers; ♥ BOFT
Wednesday, September 23, 2009 @ 9/23/2009 02:17:00 AM

Work, work, & more work.. Damn.
I think im like the kinda person who can
never tolerate a full-time job.
That's why i've changing jobs since 2 years ago.
I can't devote myself every single day to work.
And having to work in sales line is even worst. Fuckshite.
But my current boss is really flexible la.
He knows that my baybeh's in camp,
so i don't have to work on weekends ^^
Speaking of which.. I was really happy that
i finally got to see him after almost 2 weeks.
And it's really a pity that i didn't manage to fetch him from
camp on his FIRST ever book out la. I was so damn sad.
But neither of us was at fault.
As his officer suddenly release them earlier and
there wasn't enough time for me to reach in time.
So glad i got to see him almost everyday of his bookout la.
Not for the whole day. But at least, we went to catch
"the ugly truth" on saturday, he came to fetch me from work on sunday.
ta pao-ed breakfast over to his place on monday before he had to book in.
Hurmphhhhh, everytime when we had to part.
I really can't bare to see him ride home :'(
Im counting down everyday till his bookout man.
I really hope time would fly luh.
hehehehe, he's so damn sweet la.
He's picking up the 'seeds of love' for me (:
He says that he'll give 1 to me on every bookout.
Cos its quite hard to find it in camp. Only 2 areas have them.
He calculated, i'll prolly get about 90 seeds. hahahaha
I told him, i've always hoped that someone would pick up those seeds
for me la. Didn't know that it'd really happen. & didn't know it would be him.
It's the little things you do for me hunny. ILOVEYOU❤

My sexy luvvv. Lil' botak head, so nice to sayang la.

Had subway tgt before our movie (:
Alrightyyy, that's all for now. 4am already, time for beddddd ^^
So long.. Sssuckers; ♥ BOFT
Sunday, September 13, 2009 @ 9/13/2009 02:05:00 AM
Been working for my dad's friend at expo.
As my dad's gonna be branching out the juices to thailand.
So yeah, it's gonna be good for me to learn how to sell them.
From thursday till sunday this week.
It's a food exhibition btw. Kinda boring, but it's a good way
to keep me busy from thinking of him.
and wanting to cry everytime i miss him :'(
And i'll probably be helping out in suntec next week as well.
Frienddddssss, come & support~ its pure natural juices.
Made from Armenia, South Europe. 100% pure.
No sugar, No preservatives, No artificial colourings,
flavourings, sweeteners added! Not even water added.
Currently we have 3 flavours, Pomegranate, Apple & Rosehip.
Next month, there'll another 3 added. Peach, Apricot & Cherries.
We have it in Carrefour, and soon Cold storage (:

Yessss, i know. My make up damn light~
hahahaha, joce says i look nicer like that.
And of course my mum as well.
mothers obviously like their daughter to put on light make up right?
lawllll, but i still cant get used to it. HAHAHA
hokay, done with all my crapsssss.
i seriously hope to receive my babyluv's call asafp.
i miss his voice, very very badly :'(
and i hope his new 'friend borrowed' cellphone can
tahan another 5 days~
if not i can't go fetch him leyyyy. Cos then,
i wouldnt know what time is he booking out.
Im kan in love with this picture laaaa.
Cos i think we both look pretty
p.s- Im so proud of you my sweet baby. my macho man~ ONLY mine hor! *salivating* hahaha
So long.. Sssuckers; ♥ BOFT
A huge ass part of me is missing.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009 @ 9/09/2009 02:27:00 AM

This post is dedicated to my one & only
It's gonna be mushy. You have been
To my sweet baby..
You'll be going into camp, in a matter of hours.
I just can't get enough of seeing you just now.
I can't stop smelling your cheeks & kissing your lips.
It was kinda of a rush, I wasn't prepared.
To not see you for 2 weeks.
I mean when it comes to this.
You having to leave in, be it 5-6 or even 12 hours
would be a rush for me.
Now I know why joce cried almost every single day
for the whole of 2 weeks when wenyuan was in camp.
I was the one telling her that its okay. She'll still get to see him soon.
But I just can't help myself now.
I know everything's not gonna be the same anymore.
You won't be there for me whenever I feel like getting a hug from you.
I can't be there to sayang you whenever you're feeling down.
Im gonna be missing you like a fucking mad piece of shit.
I'll feel like poo every single day. I'll be looking forward to every friday
every day.. It has never ever occur to me that it's gonna be this bloody hard.
I'm try my best to blog everyday. For your reference when you're out keh.
Hunny, i know you'll be chiong-ing your ass off in there.
I'll make your every book out the best that it can ever be.
I love you. I'll be here waiting for you..
You're just like a lil' baby who can never take good care of yourself.
Please learn okay? Drink hell loads of water & wake up on time!
Make the best out of this 2 years.. A man's gotta do, what a man's gotta do.
We'll pull through this together. I love you, can't & won't stop loving you.
p.s ; you have to have to have have to let me know what time will you be booking out ok? I wanna be there, I wanna be the first to see you when you're out baby. And you'll always remain as that handsome, macho, loving and huggable babyboy i'll always love. It has and always always will be you..

So long.. Sssuckers; ♥ BOFT