Saturday, February 28, 2009 @ 2/28/2009 12:21:00 AM
My birthday is like 5 days away.
& for no reason, I feel emo about it.
Hahahahaha. Pictures of mey.


I just dyed my hair.
Into some colour which my mum didn't
want me to have. Zzzz.
I've been wanting this colour since like December 2008??
Went vivo after school today.
With my dearest classmates.
To get a dress which i fell in love with
from forever 21.
Saw it 2 days ago, and
it's gone today. NBCB.
I almost burst out in tears la.
Sighssss, damn sad.
Maybe it's just not meant to be mine.
Lol, anyway. Took some lame pictures in toy r us.
Hahahaha, there's actually a video of
my classmates playing the hoolahoop.
But I don't have it with me.

Pika chuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Brenda, Kevin & Aisha.

Tommy & I.
Hahahaha, wanted to take pictures with
Ben10 and the Gundam seed thingy.
But didn't have time for it.
So yeaaa, shall take more pictures the next time :DDD
Had dinner a couple of days ago.
At Siam Kitchen.

My friend ordered the,
tom yum soup, papaya salad,
some minced chicken with rice for me,
and milk tea. Lawl.

I loveeeee the tom yum soup and the rice.
The rice looks quite simple right,
but it's fucking nice. I SWEAR!!!
But I didn't eat much of the papaya salad.
I haven't tasted anything
like that before. & It's raw papaya btw.

Hahahahas, I was looking for the orange coloured papaya.
Then my friend said it's the white coloured ones.
I thought it was some cucumber or something.
& the milk tea tastes special^^ Lol.
Maybe it's because I'm not used to the taste or something.
But overall, it's still damn nice la.
THANKSSSSSSSSS for the treat k.
Okay, that's all.
It's fucking late now.
gtgbb. g'nightzzzz~ muahahaha.
So long.. Sssuckers; ♥ BOFT
24 hours a day is not enough.
Friday, February 27, 2009 @ 2/27/2009 12:04:00 AM

Finallyyyyyy, I found my freaking usb cable.
Lawl, I've got shit loads of them to upload.
But slowly okay, slowwwwwllllyyyyy.
First up, some of the designs sold in the shop,
that I'm working in. Heh. Friends, better support.
I'm not gonna force you to buy,
But neither do I see a reason that you wouldn't.
Hokay, Here goesss~
I don't care; Fuck that shit.I personally love this piece, somehow or rather. LAWL.
Available in many other beautiful colours.

Derive yourself from idealistic arche types.This is one of the newer designs that they have. Like it too!!
Available in many other beautiful colours.
Please do not make me paranoid, thanks!lmao, I have this~
Available in many other beautiful colours.
Electro, Slow dance & smoke.Damn, I'm so gonna get one for myself.
The hot favourite.
Available in many other beautiful colours.
Dare to underline, your own personality.There's a sexy babe posing at the bkground, nicenice.
Available in many other beautiful colours.
There's like hell loads of other nice designs & colours to choose from.
It's available for both Male & Female.
Sizes are available too!
Many couples like to wear them as couple t-shirts.
You don't see many nice and style ones on the streets these days.
And discounts are given when you purchase
both the male & female piece.
Don't regret when it's too late ah, selling fast.
Okay, now for some pictures taken in school & after school~
Camwhoring in the school toilet. Lawl.

Aisha & I

Jacklyn & I
In class,

Aisha, Jacklyn & abit of Kevin.
After school,

Wendell, Mif & Irish. They're pressing her head that's why she looks blurry in the picture.

Irish, Wendell, Mif & Aisha :D
They are the funniest people you would wanna be friends with. LOL.
And... Lastly, it's me.
With my kan unglam & classical face.
& the thousand G-Y-M hand.
I was going to post nicely,
when they made me laugh.
As i was holding onto a freaking takeaway
chicken chop plastic bag. Hahahahaha.

A random picture of a cute baby cheetah.

Oh, btw.
Before I forget.
New blog songs, in case you didn't notice.
Jitao loveeeee ah♥
Hokay, Off to faggggggg~
Nightsssss, BYE.p.s - I'd rather be with someone who holds my heart.
So long.. Sssuckers; ♥ BOFT
Letting go.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009 @ 2/25/2009 12:02:00 AM
The courses of true love never did run smooth.
It'll never be smooth sailing forever.
There will be times when both parties, feel like just giving up
& simply hack care/ can't be bothered
to resolve the situation.
Few days later, it'll be back to normal.
As good as new..
It's good that couples try to forget about the matter
& continue together.
On the surface.
It'll always remain nice & sweet.
But on the inside,
the problems will accumulate.
Till one day, you simply can't stand it any further.
You will just blast out all the unhappiness.
Like some bloody huge volcano.
Think that's what,
that causes most couples to break up.
As the problems just keeps adding up,
as time pass. You'll literally forget what went wrong,
the previous time. Lol. All you'll know is, Okay.
We quarrelled that day
& we have loads of issues that have yet to be settled.
Yessss, to forgive.Nooooo, to forget.That's what.p.s- Don't ask why, I'm not telling. I'm not deleting anything that's on my page.
Till the answer is CRYSTAL CLEAR,
So long.. Sssuckers; ♥ BOFT
What more.
Monday, February 23, 2009 @ 2/23/2009 12:36:00 AM
Shit happen
-ed, this week.
Apparently, I'm just gonna let nature take its course.
Ain't doing no nothing bout it.
Sighs, no time to blog lately.
Damn busy, damn tired, damn restless.
I've got loads of new pictures to upload.
But... Not today not today ahh.
Anyhoos, people~
Im working in bugis street on weekends.
Feel free to drop by & have a look at the clothes.
It's called
Brand from japan.
Selling both male & female t-shirts etc.
Damn nice ones. Good material too^^
As you can see from my previous post.
Ansonn is wearing one of the many designs they have.
Support ah, it's located at the first lane(that's what I call it).
The guy clothes lane la,
together with 2nd edition & homeground etc.
Alright, enough said. BYE
So long.. Sssuckers; ♥ BOFT
Friday, February 20, 2009 @ 2/20/2009 01:34:00 PM
Okay, don't complain to me &
say Good things I never share ah.
I've got contact lenses for sale.
For only, $18 each!
Send those email to
General soft lens:
Degree range : 0.00, -0.25, -0.50, -0.75, -1.00, -1.25,-1.50, -1.75, -2.00
-2.25, -2.50, -2.75,-3.00, -3.25, -3.50, -3.75, -4.00, -4.25,-4.50, -4.75
-5.00, -5.50, -6.00, -6.50, -7.00, -7.50, -8.00, -8.50, -9.00, -9.50, -10.
Lenses can last up to 1 year. However
You are advised to change it, every 3-6 months for hygiene purposes.
It's always better to be safe than sorry :)
Click on image for larger view.

For enqiries, please tag me at my cbox.
Or, email me at
Don't wait, do it now!
So long.. Sssuckers; ♥ BOFT
I'd rather be, beside you in a storm than safe & warm by myself ❤
Thursday, February 19, 2009 @ 2/19/2009 06:36:00 PM
I realised that I haven't been camwhoring alot these days.
Always rushing here & there,
To meet baby, go school, go work.
No time for pictures. Lol.
Anyhoos, pictures from my
Sitting at Hanzzz, waiting for our movie to start.
Watched "Outlander". Not bad not bad.

My handsome boy. Iloveyou.

MeMEMEMEMEME. Hahaha, Im umm chio-ing here.
Whatever man. Trying to maintain my face. lol


Damnnnn, no time to upload the rest.
Nevermind, I'll put them up in the next post k.
CIAOOOOO. Goodnight world~
So long.. Sssuckers; ♥ BOFT
Monday, February 16, 2009 @ 2/16/2009 07:04:00 PM
Been busy these days.
Working, studying, spending time with my lovely soulmate.
Fucking shagggg. Gonna post the pictures taken on 14feb in the next post.
It's me and my beloved Sharon Ang today.
Peeks taken last or last last week.
Can't remember~
♡Here they are♡

Went my cousin's place then my aunt's house,
few weeks ago.. My another cousin (Jessica), playing the psp.
My younger brother & my cousin's husband. Lol.

Next stop. 3rd Aunt's house (:
My adorable cousins. Twins btw.
The lovely YuXuan.
The charming YuWei.
It's damn hard to take perfect pictures of him. Cos he runs around alot. Lol.
Chocolates. From CandyEmpire.
Kan expensive.
Taken on CNY. Hahahaha, fucking cute.
Except for the filipino maid behind them. lol
Im kidding, thats my sister..
So cute la, they will auto twist one!!!! Heh.
Pictures taken 1 month ago?
On our way to Dover.
To collect my leather jacket.
Okay, Lastly.. Bye.
So long.. Sssuckers; ♥ BOFT