just random.
Monday, December 29, 2008 @ 12/29/2008 07:25:00 PM
Its been longgggg since I've even wrote something on this dead blog. Zzzzz, been kinda busy these 2 days. Lots of catch-ups with baby, unpacking my luggage, meeting up my girls to pass them stuff. No time to sit down and type, partially because I cant think of much to write though.
Im gonna upload pictures from my thailand trip soonnnnn~ but not now because I cant locate my usb cable for my fucking digital camera, so stay tuned hokay. Anyhoos, met up with Liyin to pass her the skirt I help her to get during my Thailand trip.
this is the one.Met up with Isabella aka PWW, todayyy for breakfast/lunch at whitesands. I forgot whats the cafe's name anyway, she ask me say is chinese cafe. Lol, its on the 2nd storey next to POSB btw.
She ate the shrimp wanton noodle, I chose the dont know what mince meat noodle. Not bad, I'd give the cafe 2.5/5. Its not damn niceeeeee but still edible, I think its kinda expensive for a plate of noodles without much ingredients. $5++ eh, zzzzz. We both agreed that its gonna be the first and the last time we're ever gonna eat it. I'd rather eat at foodcourt or coffeeshop man.
p.s ,i'll try to update often^^
p.p.s ,sorry bella, i left out your AAAAAAAAA ~hahahahahaha
So long.. Sssuckers; ♥ BOFT
Merry Belated Christmas.
Friday, December 26, 2008 @ 12/26/2008 09:49:00 PM
Im back in sg people. And Im not feeling well. Might be the food i ate and the air condition there, kinda 'jialat' though.I've been eating all the tom yam soup, fried chicken, chewing gumzz, all the roadside food. ITS FUCKING NICE, if you can take chilli. There was one day, I think I ate too much. My stomach ache like mad. LOL, anyhoos. I had loads of fun there and Im looking forward to the next trip there again^^ Spend my chirstmas there instead. So sad, didnt get to celebrate with my baby this year ='(
Shall update the pictures soon, when im feeling better.
So long.. Sssuckers; ♥ BOFT
Like finally ..~
Sunday, December 21, 2008 @ 12/21/2008 12:57:00 PM
Ahhhh, one more day and Im off to Bangkok. How should I describe my feelings now... I don't know. Im excited to go, but i cant bare to leave my babylove here in sg all alone. I wonder what will he be doing when Im not around to accompany him. Thank god that I'll be back on christmas, at least he wouldn't have to spend it alone (:
And finally, after two boring days, Im getting to see him to before I leave. Im just waiting for his call now, he's prolly sleeping though. Zzzz, damn the purple contact lenses are killingggg me.
Gotta get rid of them asap, just waiting my new pair of Grey lenses to arrive. Anyhoos, if you people wanna get contacts lenses, you should visit http://
alluring-eyes.blogspot.com .She's a friend of mine, she's nice and I think the contact lenses are sold at an affordable price^^
I suddenly feel like taking yoga lessons or something, its cool yo, lol. I've been watching all kinds of dance at home, even micheal jackson's famous
"moonwalk". I used to idolise him, I think he could sing and dance well and all. Until, I found that he was a paedophile, yucks!
Fuck you MJ !!You sicko. Lol, he's got his own amusement park, its like WHOAAAAA~! Helll yeaaaa man, how i wish i had an amusement park all to myself, that'll be totally awesome* Speaking of which, i gotta blog this man. Im never gonna step into Escape Theme Park ever again. It totally sucks, I went there with baby quite some time ago. We heard that there was like some discount thingy and it was $8plus.
We thought, WOW WOW! $8 bucks is some cheap cherry sprinkled shite. So we went there, 2 machines were no longer there, The Indoor RollerCoaster (due to a stupid asshole who flew out of the seats) and Pepsi(which happens to be my FAVOURITE ride), another 2 machines were closed down for some maintainence. Raindow and Inverter(everytime I visit Escape I never got to take Inverter, never ever). So you see, Escape has already soooo freaking little rides and yet 4 of them is not
ride-able. NO WONDER IT WAS $8. I don't know man, maybe it wasn't our day. We only managed to take 2 pathetic rides, Wet&Wild and Viking. We queued up for Go-Kart and it started raining -.- How unlucky. So the summary was, we paid $4 for 1 ride (: Charles G Brye.
Okay, back to te topic DANCE. I like all kinds of dance, especially the effing
PRO ones~ Andddd, I LOVE TEKTONIK. Watch this and you'll go whoaaaa~
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TH7sEDnwfn0Sorry peeps you've gotta bare with me. I don't know how to embed the whole freaking video.
Omfgggggg, Im so noob, so noob, so noob~ It's horribly horrible.
I wanted to put up more links to more videos butttt, I don't know how to. AND, I figured that if I were to put up all this links it'll be damn messy and confusing and frustrating. So yeaaa, for the time being this is it.
Im getting rather pissed about Friendster though. Its about some people sending all the, "i saw you in this video
blablabla" something like that. Wtfffff is that man?! Why the hell is people sending all this? Are they even aware that they are sending all this? I got it in my comments, messages and bulletins. Isit some kinda shite ass virus??? I don't know what that is, but I know its definitely irritating, sickening and disgusting.
Okay, whatever it is. I'll be away for afew days and the only thing I'll do there is to miss him.
I cant blog on the 22nd-26th .Zzzzz, im so excited to go Bangkok. I wonder what can I get for myself and my baby. How I wish my ASYF could come along too ='(
More songzzzz for you guys to enjoy! I love it love it! Just dance is fucking addictive ah, i like the part at 3:oo, hear it^^ Dance with my father is also fuckingggg easy to relate to man! so emo0O~
Gotta gooooo~ Meeting my hunhun now. Ciao

So long.. Sssuckers; ♥ BOFT
That's when I Love You
Friday, December 19, 2008 @ 12/19/2008 11:53:00 AM
Dont really have the mood to write today. Was suppose to go for a camping trip today, i was so looking for it buttttt... Baby's friend suddenly called him up to help out at a lounge. Zzzz, I feel kinda sad though. As, Im leaving for Bangkok soon and I wanna spend more time with him. I know I'll definitely miss him like mad, I know we both will have sleepless nights alone. I know I will feel so empty, I will miss his voice alot, I will miss his company. In fact, I'll miss everything about him. So, instead of camping.. I stayed at home. Im not mad at him, Im just sad that the plans were ruined. But it's okay I guess, it's not like we're not gonna have anymore chances right?! Lol. No matter what happens, I will NEVER stop loving him. The only one who makes me have sleepless nights, because when you're in love.. You can't fall asleep because reality is better than your dreamsssss~
OK !It's getting late already, Im tireddddd.
Joke of the day,"Auntie EH ask Auntie Bee :Hey, do you know how to make this cup bigger? "
Auntie Bee:"Oh?? I've got no idea ley... -___-??"
Auntie EH:"Recite DA 'BEI' ZHOU lorrrr"
Hahahahahahaha ,this is some hilarious shit. I dont think many of you would understand it though. Nvm, but for those who understands it, you'd be either laughing your ass off infront of the computer now or you'll be thinking its damn lame. Hokayyy ,boredom is starting to conquer my mind.
Im off to bed, GOODNIGHT WORLD....
p.s, im missing your voice now ,right nowwwwwwwwwwwww!
So long.. Sssuckers; ♥ BOFT
Those were the days ..
Thursday, December 18, 2008 @ 12/18/2008 11:26:00 PM
Life's been kinda like a slowww moving traffic for me. I've been bumming alot & I wanna put it to an end. There's just too much things on my mind now. I wanna enroll into a school sooon~ Talking about school, I really miss the secondary school life, it's not as stressful as living in an adult lifestyle man, damn! When i was in secondary school .Life was easy, wake up bathe, brush teeth, go school. After school, slack with friends or go home change, go out. THAT'S ALL! It's that carefree, maybe thats why my grades are sooo hideous, LOL. Maybe, the only thing I'd ever stress about was facing the discipline master, or getting caught doing WRONG things. What Im saying is, what is there to worry? Your parents pay for all your daily expenses, school fees, transport(ez link card or student pass~), even go out they must "bao ka liao"~Like what my mum always say, "
money is damn hard to earn, but when you spend it, you'll realise how small it actually is". I never understood that when I was younger, because Im not the one slogging my life to support the family or even to support myself.
My BFFs (Best Friends Forever, Lol)

Another thing is, I think true friends are found during secondary school. Friends that are your friends because they are really being friends. Not morons that you get to know outside, those that are your friends because the think that you've got something that they can make use of. Yer know?? I personally HATE such people &i think they are kan irritating. There's a category for them its called the
"hypocitesssss''. lol. I use to have plenty of friends, but now I realised that only the ones who are true to you will remain. It's kinda like, "the survival of the fittest", lmao.
I remember the times, when me and my friends use to spit onto people's head from the 4th storey to the 1st.We mock at our teachers, we would pour away the water in teacher's water bottle and replaced it with toilet bowl water, we made teacher's cry, i use to quarrel alot with my chinese teacher. As, her class is always 2 periods before my actual recess, and my recess happens to be the 2nd one, I'll always go for the first recess and miss one of her lesson. I hated chinese lessons as it was super duper boring and she's a effin'
cheena. You guys should know the accent, damn irritating la. My friends would disturb the other class' lessons by yelling their lungs, blast loud music and stuff like that. Blablabla, bet you guys do the same things too. My class was the last class in the express stream in my school, so most of the teacher kinda gave us the 'cant be bothered' attitude. You can never imagine how bad it was, the doorknobs were pulled out, the door was cracked, the chairs were broken into like two different elements, plastic and metal. Lol ,newspapers, worksheets, textbooks, drink packets, bottles were everywhere around the class. I still remember, one of the teacher actually said that, my class was a dumping ground for retainees,which was damn degrading man. Eventually, most of my friends still did well or their O's. During my 4th year I had a really nice form teacher, she was young and therefore easier to relate to. She uses a different kinda approach which made all of us pay attention to her lessons not because we had to, but because we wanted too. I hated history because I thought it was a waste of time, why should I be learning something about a dead person? But sheeeee happened to teach me history and so after she taught me, I begin to like that subject^^ If it wasnt for her, I think I would have gotten an F9 or something.
So yeaaaa, that was a part of my teenagehood~ And btw, my school is not a lousy school. Just that my class was too destructive. Hahahahahahahahahaha. Okay, enough of the crap already.
Here are some pictures taken quite long time ago, when i went pasir ris park with my beloved sister, Kaihui (:

im missing my asyfpie now.. He's still sleeping soundly at home.
To me, he's the most wonderful boyfriend anyone could wish for.
To me, he's the perfect guy i always dream of.
To me, he has the nicest features, voice, hair, smell.. Everything about him is nice.
Look at him, tell me how can i live without him. I canttttttt...XOXOXOXOXOXO
So long.. Sssuckers; ♥ BOFT
Wednesday, December 17, 2008 @ 12/17/2008 07:17:00 PM
I've been thinking of creating a blog for months, so there. It's officially done! Figured that it would be easier for me to promote my products to friends, strangers etc. There's still many many things that i've gotta learn from, as this blog thingyyy is definately not easy man. So, if anyone has got any suggestions to what i should or should not add on the page, feel free to let me know. Im gonna combine everything together, i hope it wont be confusing tho. Special thanks to the people who guided me through allllll these confusing, messy,
"chim" procedures. Damn, it was hard!
Why did i take
soooooo long to create a freaking account??
- Because i knew it was this hard man, it took me the whole day to get things right.
- Because it took me months to think of the name(Dont ask me why i chose this name or what does it mean.. i dont know, i just like it. I think it sounds nice, lol)
- Because i have no time, to sit my ass down to type.
There's just too many 'because'.. It would be endless if i were to state every single thinggg down. So yeaaa, Im kinda free today, nothing better to do. I shall post a couple of pictures of my products, there're actually more stuffs but I didnt take pictures of everything so if you guys wanna know moreee you can either tag me over at my cbox or email me at trixerdoraa@hotmail.com
faux lashes
this is thick, long and natural. $3.90, 3 for $10- sold out, available for backorder.
thin ones for people who dont like too 'kua zhang' ones
eyeshadowzzzz: $40(12 colours) -This version is suitable for people who use a wide variety of colours. The range is very big, as you can see, lol!
ALL PENDING. Available for backorder.
$45(2blusher + 7colours) -This version is suitable for people who use blusher, the colours are extraordinary. Damn nice!
$38(10 colours) -This version is suitable for people who prefer simple colours. The main colours are gold, bronze, darkbrown, light pink, pink, white etc.
M.a.c Glitter LashLiner $13.90- shinny glittery eyeliner. Easy application, Easily removed by make up remover(:
Limited stocks left.
okay, that's about all. There are also, earstuds, nailpolish, leopard pouches and more..for more enquires, feel free to email me or leave me a message over at the cbox, i'd be glad to clear your doubts (: okay, i shall end this post with....a picture of my lovely lovely, wonderful wonderful babykins.
i love you baby, you mean EVERYTHINGGGG to me.. Therefore, I shall love you endlessly, unconditionally, truthfully, wholeheartedly, sincerely, 'aimlessly'~ smooches *
So long.. Sssuckers; ♥ BOFT